AHAD Company
The AHAD Company is comprised of different competitive groups, based on age and level, that attend local competitions, events, workshops, and more.
2025 Competitions and Conventions
ID Dance (Competition) -- Battle Creek -- February 7-9
- This competition is mandatory for all company members.
Encore (Competition) --Hartland-- February 28 - March 2
- This competition is mandatory for Mini and Juniors
24/7 (Competition & Convention) -- Renaissance Center (Detroit) -- March 7-9
- This competition & convention is mandatory for Senior and Teen Company.
Revel (Competition & Convention) -- Toledo -- March 14-16
- This convention is mandatory for all members.
This competition is mandatory for Senior and Teen Companies
DEViATE (Competition & Convention) -- Detroit -- April 4-6
- This competition & convention is mandatory for Senior and Teen Company.
We encourage any dancers that are able, to join us at this highly recommended convention!
Applause (Competition) -- Walled Lake (Central High School) --April 25-27
This competition is mandatory for all members.
Believe (Competition) -- Oxford High School-- May 2-4
This competition is mandatory for all members.